The Peace Process 

A 4 month Facilitated Coaching Experience to finally end the vicious binge eating cycle and make peace with food & your body!

A 3-Step Process

Step 1: LOVE - learn to love & accept yourself & become confident in your skin

Step 2: HEAL - Find & Heal the root cause of your binge & emotional eating.

Step 3:  TRUST - Become an Intuitive & Peaceful eater & trust yourself around food again.

What you get in the online experience...

  • Weekly video content released in your private learning portal with downloadable handouts
  • 2 Weekly LIVE coaching sessions led by Samah (also recorded if you can't make it live)
  • 1:1 Coaching calls with Peace Process trained coaches
  • Access to a private, members-only FB group and a safe community
  • A personal Freedom buddy (optional) to connect with 1:1 for support and accountability on the journey
  • Lifetime access to the course 

Get started now for


Cancel at the end of the first month if you don't love it!

Sign me up now!

What Peace Process Members are saying...

“If you are struggling with the binge eating cycle, emotional eating, and looking to heal yourself, Samah's Peace Process is all the help you need and more." - KS

"I am down 8 pounds already! I have not dieted. I eat what I want when I want. I don't binge at supper anymore! I am so thankful that I joined Samah's program. She knew I was worth it, even when I didn't." - JA

"This was far beyond what I expected. Samah's guidance gave me the power to not only change the trajectory of my future, but also change the meaning of my past. Ending Binge eating was just the cherry on top." - NH

“This program is what I have needed my whole life. I am finally off the roller coaster I've been on forever, and that gives me hope for permanent change." - GR

“I finally went my first 10 days without binge eating! I'm so proud of myself! The HEAL module was so powerful in helping me figure out why I binge and so much more I didn't even know about myself." - CA

“My night-time cravings have completely vanished! I usually binge eat while watching my shows - yet the Peace Process has helped me understand my triggers and heal where they come from." - PC

“I finally cured the uncontrollable feeling around food. I accidentally lost 32 lbs just by learning to listen to my body!" - RV

“I have finally found & healed the root cause of my binge eating and have developed in every single area of my life, including food!" - RW

I have learned more about myself in the past 6-7 weeks than any weight loss program, book, or other therapy I have tried in the past. (And I've tried everything!)" - LP

Become a Peace insider


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